lunes, 15 de enero de 2024

The Scribes in Egyptian Society - Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano


 The Seated Scribe. Saqqara. 5th Dynasty. 

Louvre Museum 

 The Scribes in Egyptian Society 

Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano

 The Scribes in Egyptian Society - I.·.P.·.H.·. Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 33rd by supremo7 on Scribd

"The Scribes in the Egyptian Society" 
Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano

The Egyptian word that we translate as Scribe means,“he who writes.” Laymen or clerics, all those who manage  the pen to carry out work days or to write “the words of the god”, composing Books 
of Wisdom or preparing cadastres, are part of the same Fraternity and have the same Pattern, THOT, The Divine Scribe, Foundation of the State, Foundation of the Society, the Corporation of Scribes, which forged Egyptian Thought and maintained its values for three Millennia.

- Christian Jacq. Pouvoir et Sagesse 
selon l´Egypte Ancienne, Paris, 1981  
- Georges Posener. Dictionaire de la Civilisation Egyptienne. Paris, 1988
- Avrin, Leila. Scribes, script and books: 
The book Arts from Antiquity to the Reinassance.  
London: The British Library, 1991
- Christian Jacq. La Sagesse Vivante de l´Egypte Ancienne, Paris, 1998
- Wilkinson, Richard H. Magia y Símbolo 
en el Arte Egipcio. Madrid: Alianza, 2003
- Pérez Cortés, Sergio. Escribas. México: 
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2005
- Regulski, Ilona. The Origins and Early Development 
of Writing in Egypt. Oxford, 2016
- Allon, Niv; Navratilova, Hana.
 Ancient Egyptian Scribes: a cultural exploration.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018


Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano





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