jueves, 8 de febrero de 2024

The Prophets of Amon - Text and Images - Know them to Recognize them. Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano


The God Amon protects Pharaoh Horemheb

The Prophets of Amon - Text and Images.

Know them to Recognize them.

Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano. 

Amon, as it was taught Inside the Temple : 

God, whose Name meant Hidden, the Supreme and Primordial Being, the Leader of the Gods, the Spirit that penetrates all Things, the creative spirit that proceeds to the Generation and that brings the Hidden Things to Light, starting and meeting point of all the Divine Essences.

The other Egyptian gods appear as Abstractions of the Great Being.

The Prophets of Amon - Text... by supremo7

The Prophets of Amon - Text and Images.

Know them to Recognize them. 

Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano 



Guillermo Calvo Soriano, El Secreto de Amón-Rá, Lima, 2019 

Georges Posener, Dictionaire de la Civ. Egyptienne, Paris, 1998

Christian Jacq, Karnak/Louxor, Paris, 1990

Christian Jacq, Sur les pas de Champollion, Paris, 1988

Christian Jacq, La Tradition Primordial de l´Egypte, Paris, 1988


Dr. Guillermo Calvo Soriano


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